Log 2 (One Week)

Monday, January 29th, 19:01 hours.

Today marks one week until my ship date. I reported in at the recruiters station to log my height and weight again to ensure I was still qualified, and other than that didn’t do anything. It was a log drive for a short meeting. I will find out at a later date when the shuttle will arrive next Monday to pick me up and take me back to MEPs then the following day I swear in and off I go to BMT.

Over the weekend I had my send off party to say goodbye to everyone. We had a good time sharing stories and goofing off. A lot of my anxieties that I’ve been having have faded now and in no longer stressing out about leaving. I still worry I’ll be behind in PT but I’ve been assured by several people I’ll be fine.

Everything is packed so now I just wait.

I’ve been asked by my recruiter to come back after tech school and do RAP (recruiters assistance program) where basically you drop off flyers at businesses and make school visits. At first I thought my time would be better spent by just taking 10 days of leave and coming home for a bit to get some of my things and chill out before my first station but after discussing it with my recruiter and my father (retired Master Sergeant) I’ve decided to do RAP instead and save my leave time. It will only be a few days that I will have to leave and do basically errands, and I can take leave much sooner than way if I want to later.

That’s about all I have to report today, it’s been pretty uneventful aside from the party. I’ll make another log before I leave and probably one next Monday at MEPs when all the anxiety will likely come flooding back.

Spartan 094 logging off.

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